ECOL is proud to partner with Éducaloi, an organization whose mandate is to provide access to legal information in plain language.
Do you want to write your will? Designate a power of attorney? Cannabis is now legal but can your landlord prevent you from using it in your apartment? Are you thinking of leaving your partner but are not sure about child custody? These are situations that can have a significant impact on your present and future life. Having the right information can help you navigate through such life experiences more easily.
Law Professional Directories
If you need to hire a law professional, ECOL has directories for lawyers and notaries in Lanaudière who can offer services in English. Please let us know if you used one of our directories and if you were satisfied with the quality of the services offered!
Brochures and Information
Your Rights in the Health System - pamphlets

Pamphlet - Health and Social Services in English - Éducaloi

Image of a young woman in counselling

CAAP pamphlet - You Have Rights (legal)

Senior on phone calling for health or social services

Image of a young family with an infant, being visited by a representative of CISSSL

Cover of pamphlet - The Complaint Examination System

Your Rights in Healthcare

CAAP pamphlet - Dealing With Quebec's Public Services (legal)

Pamphlet - Rights and Recourse-Persons Under Confinement

Image of doctor in a medical scan facility

Image of senior couple in consultation with legal expert
Family Law
Seniors, Estate Planning, Miscellaneous
Websites and Resources

ACEF LANAUDIÈRE : 450-756-1333 or (toll free) 1-866-414-1333
(Information concerning personal finance, use of credit and debt management. Tools to help consumers make informed choices and to advocate for their rights.) -
ACTION-LOGEMENT LANAUDIÈRE : 450-394-1778 or (toll free) 1-855-394-1778
(Defending tenants’ rights. Training.) -
(For those retired or semi-retired) :
– Brandon : 450-835-4705 (#3499)
– Rawdon : 450-882-4795
– L'Assomption : 450-704-2776
– Des Moulins : 450-918-0800
ATTAJ : 450-834-1220
ATTAM : 450-833-1507
CENTRE D’ASSISTANCE ET D’ACCOMPAGNEMENT AUX PLAINTES DE LANAUDIÈRE (CAAP – Lanaudière) : 450-759-7700 or (toll free) 1-800-882-5622
(Assistance and support for those dissatisfied with services offered by an establishment of the Lanaudière health and social service network.) -
CENTRE D’AIDE AUX VICTIMES D’ACTES CRIMINELS : 450-755-6127 or (toll free) 1-866-532-2822
(Information on rights and legal recourse. Technical assistance, support and psychological/social/legal interventions.) -
(Information and support on rights and legal recourse regarding mental health.)