
The English Community Organization of Lanaudière (ECOL) is here to serve and promote the well being of the English-speaking community of the Lanaudière region.
Our mandate is to offer a wide variety of services, initiatives and programs for all age groups, such as community animation, community health prevention and promotion activities. We strive to facilitate access to health and social services, to offer volunteer service programs, and to identify resources available in the region. We are the main source and provider of pertinent English-language documentation in the Lanaudière region.

RESPECT: Mutual respect of culture, spiritual beliefs, language, ethnicity, gender, economical status, education level, sexual orientation.
COLLABORATION: Partnership with the community and public sector service providers.
COMMUNITY VITALITY: Developing and preserving a strong and vibrant English-Speaking Community that enriches Quebec society.
Activities and Services
Outreach to seniors, friendly check-ins
Caregiver support
Early childhood stimulation and socialization
Parental support
Seniors’ wellness activities
Cultural and heritage activities
Youth employment support services
Documentation, referrals and accompaniment
Informal interpretation and translation services

Our Vision
Local, regional and provincial solidarity
The preservation and enhancement of our traditions, culture, language and institutions
Equitable access to public services, particularly health and social services
A sense of belonging and respect
Recognition of our contributions to overall community vitality.